Chocoholics Unite! Pic

Do you find yourself dreaming of chocolate truffles? Do you find excuses to go to the store so you can buy a chocolate bar? Do you go to the store without an excuse, just to buy a chocolate bar? If any of the above apply, you may well be a chocoholic, and if you have a web page, you can join our ring and proudly declare your addiction to the world!

Want to join us? Well, your site must meet some conditions:
1. No pornography, excessive profanity, or any sort of material which may be deemed offensive to any racial, ethnic, or religious groups.
2. A part of your page devoted to the love of chocolate, or some mention somewhere of your love for the sacred substance.

Think your site meets the requirements? Well, click here to join the queue, then add this fragment of code to your page. Please download the pictures, as Tripod is slow, and I don't want anyone hogging bandwidth. If your site meets the requirements, I will mail you your ID number and password, and you will become a part of the ring. Easy, eh?

Here's the code. Cut and paste it onto your page, replacing your_name_here and your_e-mail_here with the appropriate bits.

<!-- Begin Chocoholics Unite Fragment --> <center> <p> <table><table border=5 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=3> <tr> <td align="center"> <font size=3> <center><b> <a href=""> <img border=0 src="chocoholic_home.jpg"></a> </b></center> </td> <td align="center"> <b><center> This <a href=""> <font color="663300">Chocoholics Unite!<font></a> site is owned by: <br> <a href="mailto:your_e-mail_here"><font color="996633">your_name_here</font></a>. <br> <br> Are you a chocoholic too? <a href=""><font color="663300"> Join us!</font></a> <br> <br> <a href=""> <img border=0 src="chocoholic_next.jpg"></a> <center></b> </tr> </td> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <center> [<a href=""><font color="663300">Next</font></a> | <a href=""><font color="663300">Skip Next</font></a> | <a href=""><font color="663300">Next 5</font></a> | <a href=""><font color="663300">Prev</font></a> | <a href=""><font color="663300">Skip Prev</font></a> | <a href=""><FONT COLOR="663300">Random</font></a>] </center> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <!-- End Chocoholics Unite! Fragment -->

This Chocoholics Unite! site is owned by:

Are you a chocoholic too? Join us!

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